Unlock Ultimate Growth: The Power in Creating Boundaries

We hear it all the time; creating boundaries in work, friendship, romantic relationships, social media (the list goes on and on) is the key to our personal happiness and growth. 

But how do we recognize we need to do it? 

How do we start implementing it?

What does that do for us?

Boundaries are the framework in which we live our lives. We have (pretty) clear boundaries in the day to day happenings of our lives. We know when our bills are due. Boundary. We know when to clock in and out of work. Boundary. (Hopefully - I know many of us; myself included struggle with this. There is always something else we can take care of really fast. I am taking a vacation so I actually need to work all the hours I am planning on taking off next week this week. That’s been my internal stream of thoughts once or twice.) We know when we are full, our body feels it and tells our brains. Boundary. We know where one state ends and the next one begins. Boundary. We know when we need to stop paddling around in the sun and get in the shade and drink some water. Boundary. 

What I am trying to paint a picture of is this: we receive a vast amount of stimulus, perceptions, suggestions, feelings, messages, throughout the day. Some are easy to identify, and some are not. That depends on us; what we deem as urgent and important. 

How do we start putting ourselves at the top of that list while still paying our bills and keeping our promises? 

For some of us, we don’t quite understand how to recognize the more subtle suggestions that come through to us energetically that maybe we’re giving too much of ourselves to a particular area. To that job, that friend, that series, that relationship. However, we usually will begin to feel it. We feel frustrated after a meeting, we feel unheard, we feel unfulfilled. 

What if we started implementing those boundaries right then? With those friends, relationships, jobs, etc.

I used to be terrible at this. I would people please in all aspects of my life and then one day I decided I was done doing that. I started choosing me. I left that relationship that was draining, I moved away from that city that didn’t hold anything new for me, I. Left. That. Job. 

It wasn’t clear to me exactly what my priorities were in so many aspects of my life other than the priority was MYSELF. I started getting clear and establishing non-negotiables surrounding aspects of my life that were important to me. The clarity these actions gave me started leading me to what did matter to me. To what I wanted to invest my energy into, and to what I wasn’t willing to sacrifice anymore. 

This brought my life into ALIGNMENT with my goals that were always there, but were just under the surface of murkiness that I allowed my life to be. All because I wasn’t clear with myself about my boundaries. 

I started pouring my energy into myself and guarding against what didn’t serve me. I started creating and protecting the life I have always dreamed of. 

Embracing boundaries starts off a little unclear, if it was clear we would never struggle. So take note of those moments - those small signals of frustration, exhaustion, drainage, unstimulated interactions. Just take note and start making subtle moves to implement boundaries. 

It requires introspection, self-awareness, and a willingness to assertively advocate for your needs. As you practice setting and maintaining boundaries, you cultivate a stronger sense of self-worth and empowerment, paving the way for personal growth and development.

Prioritize yourself, your dreams, and the path will unfold. 


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